What temperature should i turn off attic fan?

To test an attic fan, simply set the temperature dial above the current attic temperature. If the attic is around 90 degrees, then just when you hit 90 degrees, the attic fan should turn on. And then, by adjusting the dial to less than 90 degrees, the attic fan should turn off. Summer is known as the best time for heat and humidity, this is one of the most important seasons to make sure your attic fan is properly adjusted.

When it comes to the temperature setting of an attic fan, it's best to adjust it to a temperature of 90 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. It's impossible to say a single number because your attic can effortlessly rise above 95 degrees (on average). It's best to make sure this penthouse doesn't reach ten degrees above the day's forecast, as many industry professionals can agree. Typically, set the attic fan to a temperature between 95 and 115 degrees.

However, it is important to set the fan warmer than the ambient outside temperature to prevent the fan motor from burning. The most recommended temperature setting for an attic fan in summer is 90 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideally, the temperature setting should be equal to the outside temperature, and this is the thermostat setting that most HVAC technicians recommend. An attic fan can be turned off by raising the temperature setting on your thermostat.

This thermostat is located in the attic, near the attic fan, so to do this, you will have to go to the attic. Some attic fans also come with a humidistat, so in this case, make sure to turn up the humidistat settings as well. If you forget to turn up the humidistat setting, the fan will operate when the humidity level is reached, even if the attic temperature is below the thermostat setting. It is best to raise the temperature and humidity settings to their maximum values to prevent the fan from operating in any case.

Attic fans generally turn on between 90 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit. That said, attic fans aren't the best option for cooling attics, especially if you have central air conditioning. The reason is that attic fans depressurize attics and can steal air conditioning from the main body of the house, which greatly decreases efficiency. It basically draws that cold air through cracks and crevices in the attic floor, and also through holes that allow cables and pipes to enter.

A much better cooling option is continuous ridge and ceiling ventilation. Basically, a groove is cut in the upper ridge of the roof and a vent is placed just above it. As the wind blows over the roof, it depressurizes the ridge and draws in warm, moist air from the attic. Everything you want to vent from the attic is sucked from that ridge through the depressurization that occurs during the normal wind cycle.

Attics can reach temperatures of 150 to 160 degrees F during a summer day, although the outside air temperature is only 95 to 97 degrees F. The cooling load of a domestic air conditioner depends on the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air, and reducing attic temperatures from 155 degrees to 105 degrees F will result in a significant reduction in cooling load. In a home with poor roof insulation, heat movement through roofs can account for 30 percent or more of the total cooling cost. To turn off an attic fan controlled by a thermostat or by a humidistat and thermostat, simply turn the settings up to the maximum.

Many people don't choose to install a wall switch controller for attic fans and are instead connected directly to the power grid. Here, the attic fan is connected to the power grid via a smart plug that turns on and off based on commands it receives from smart devices. If the thermostat is a little high, natural convection cooling from the attic ventilation system will lower the temperature the rest of the way in a reasonably short amount of time after the fan shuts down. However, you can calculate a much more accurate time by dividing the power of your fan by the volume of the attic space.

Otherwise, the fan will continue to run non-stop because the attic will never have a lower humidity level than the outside air. Calculating the volume of your attic is a process that varies depending on the type of attic you have. Your attic is a crucial part of a house: it can completely ruin the structure of your house and significantly increase the bills you pay each month, depending on how the attic heating is regulated or, more accurately, not. Since you don't want your fan to run all the time due to utility costs and system life, the best option is to set it to a temperature that isn't extremely hot, but high enough that the fan isn't always on.

If the attic fan is controlled by a smart switch, simply tell your Alexa or Google device to turn it off. If you want to turn on the attic fan at a lower temperature, change the thermostat setting accordingly, however, for best results, you should be on par with the outside temperature. Some attic fan models come with a built-in remote control, and for some, you can optionally purchase a remote control kit (like this one). In practical terms, ventilating the attic means creating an airflow that does not allow moisture and heat to stay in the attic space long enough to accumulate.

Often new homeowners are unaware of the location of the attic fan switch, so this can be annoying for many. . .

Brad Heidmann
Brad Heidmann

Amateur pop culture aficionado. Amateur social media geek. Hardcore webaholic. Extreme web evangelist. Freelance music buff. Extreme music specialist.

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